Different Types of Sushi Rated According to Popularity


Sushi is a type of Japanese food made from vinegared rice and slices of seafood, vegetables and sometimes, tropical fruits. While enjoyed by the Japanese since the ancient times, sushi is loved by foodies outside of Japan too!

Sushi is typically prepared using white Japanese rice and raw seafood. And contrary to popular belief, not all sushis are made from raw seafood. Some are made with grilled egg, called Tamago, or cooked eel and prawn. Different variations of sushi have developed throughout the ages, including those that cater to western tastes. Let’s get to know more about sushis by checking out different its many different types according to popularity:


This is the most common type of sushi. Nigirizushi literally means “hand-pressed” in Japanese. Typically, a sushi maker will get a dollop of sushi rice and swipe it with a bit of wasabi. Then, the rice is topped with some type of topping called Neta. Neta could be anything from a sliver of raw or slightly cooked fish (tuna, eel, and salmon are very popular) or other seafood (squid, prawn, octopus, etc.) Other types of nigirizushi are made with tamago or grilled egg.


Makizushi is a type of rolled sushi made with nori and vinegared rice. The sushi maker will get a serving of vinegared rice and add various ingredients (tamago, soy paper, cucumber, or shiso leaves) before wrapping it in seaweed sheet. There are five different types of makizushi: Hosomaki, Chumaki, Futomaki, Uramaki, and Temaki.


This type of sushi literally means “scattered sushi” in Japanese. Chumaki is usually served in a bowl. The sushi is made from sushi rice covered with various toppings called “gu.” The gu could be tamago, slivers of seafood and vegetables. Of all types of sushis, Chirashi is the most popular in the common Japanese household because it is very easy to make. The Japanese would make Chirashi out of leftovers to maximize their stocked food.


This type of sushi is made from fried tofu called abura age, which is hollowed out and filled with rice. The abura age is done by cutting regular tofu into thin slices and then deep frying them to achieve a beautiful brown color. Then, the rice is added inside the tofu together with sugar, soy sauce, and dashi. Typically, Inarizushi is sweet but you can adjust the sweetness according to your preference when you make it at home. Most Japanese supermarkets sell fried tofus that are ready to be made into Inarizushi.


Oshizushi is a type of pressed sushi made by using a wooden mold called oshibako. This is why Oshizushi is also called hako-sushi or “boxed sushi.” To make Oshizushi, toppings are added into the mold and then lined with rice. The toppings could be anything from slices of octopus, squid or raw fish to tamago and eel.

Then, the whole mix is covered and then pressed down to create a rectangular-shaped sushi. The loaf of sushi is then cut into rectangular sizes before being served. The shape of the sushi and the color of the ingredients make Oshizushi one of the most visually-appealing of all sushi types!

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